
Sustainable Studio

Sustainable Studio

Easy interventions for a green and pleasant workspace

Environmental, financial and organisational sustainability are hallmarks of the design and fit-out of our new studio at Cliff Road in Camden.

Sustainability is climbing the agenda for workspace clients, partly in response to new regulations like the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard, requiring all rented properties to meet EPC Ratings of E or above from 1 April 2018.

Achieving sustainability targets can be done with ease and without large financial outlays. We recently completed the design and fit-out of our new studio in an iconic but poorly insulated 1960s building. Our interventions ranged from the obvious to the innovative, resulting in an operationally zero carbon office with zero emissions and all energy sourced from renewable sources.


Sustainability in the workplace also extends to employee satisfaction, well-being and productivity, and can influence financial sustainability through reduced energy bills. There are compelling synergies in sustainability that can incentivise organisations, acting as carrots to the stick of regulatory control.

Here are seven evidence-based interventions that we applied in our studio fit-out.




Air cleaning plants

A 2006 meta-analysis found that poor air quality lowers employee performance by up to 10%. Meanwhile, NASA’s Clean Air Study demonstrated the power of houseplants to improve indoor air quality, with just 15 potplants per 167sq m required to remove pollutants. We share our studio with ten air-cleaning houseplants.





A shower and place to air clothes make it easy for over half our staff to cycle or walk to work (the remainder take public transport).



Organic food


Several studies including Newcastle University’s 2009 ISAFRUIT Project have found that providing free fruit to employees has multiple health and well-being benefits. We provide free, locally‐sourced organic fruit, vegetables and milk to our team and co‐workers.





By investing in technology that reduces water consumption, businesses can become eligible for tax allowances under the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme. We have installed low‐flow equipment and low water‐use white goods in our new studio, and we use recycled water in the garden.



Composting and recycling


By composting food and organic waste, businesses can reduce the size of their waste containers. We compost waste food in our garden and recycle 98% of other waste by weight.



Outdoor space


We are lucky that our building has a large communal garden that we use for parties, BBQ’s, lunches, and even meetings. Any outdoor space can be exploited to enhance employee well-being: we have a small balcony, on which we installed outdoor lights, a block-wood floor, plants, seating and blankets for cooler weather.



Waste heat capture


Server cooling can contribute significantly to energy costs. We built a waste heat capture system in our studio that cools the servers naturally, drawing the heat through ducting to warm the office space.



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